Fly Fishing Western Wyoming

Proper Ethics

Proper Ethics

Sometimes you hear, “This is how people fish at home so it will be okay here.” The proper ethics of fishing are actually rather complicated. I fished in New York on Great Lakes streams for big browns and steelhead and people were standing 30 feet from each other. To do so on a Western stream would be considered a very serious offense.

 When I fish a  river with plenty of room I will walk so far around another angler that they often never see me. I never walk up to an angler while they’re fishing. If I want to talk to them I stand a good distance away, out of sight of the water they are fishing. If I need to cross anywhere near another angler I ask permission, especially if they are fishing near the riffle or tailout were I intend to cross. Even footfalls can alert fish, so I walk as far away and as quietly as possible.

If I see another angler I will ask them if they are going up or downstream. I will go the other way. If I meet an angler in the parking lot and they are heading out I’ll ask them if they’re going up or down and where exactly they’re fishing. I’ll go somewhere else.

I never ignore trespassing signs. I never disturb animals. In areas where someone’s hooked fish might run through my space, I always reel up and get out of the way. I always ask permission if someone else is fishing and I want to fish near them. I always ask permission if someone else is fishing and I want to fish near them. 

When climbing over gates I climb over on the side with the hinges not the latch side. I do not climb over barbed wire fences if I have any chance of ripping a wire loose. A wandering cow is a big deal for a rancher. I never leave trash, mono, cigarette butts, on someone else’s property, regardless of what is already there. I always pick up trash if possible. Some hooting or hollering when catching a fish is okay but there’s nothing more irritating to me than fishing a hundred yards away from someone and having to listen to all of their noise, good or bad. Remember people come to trout fish for the solitude.

Before fishing any new area I take a look around, ask locals, and remember that the golden rule is the only one I really need! You may have even more ideas, but you get the idea.

 We still have a few openings in our summer schedule. We have a few openings in our MCI and CI instructional camps and a few scattered days left in July and August. The last two weeks of September and early October are still fairly free. If you are visiting our area remember that even if you don’t book with us we’d love to help you out. Make sure to check our FaceBook fishing reports beginning in June. And take a look at the YouTube channel. Some great casting videos.

 Now is the time to sort equipment and flies, and practice your casting!! Now go get ready for an awesome year of fly fishing!!

 We’ve been busy scheduling trips and making videos. We’ll be making tons more from now through August. We’re also going to video our clients this summer and get everyone a thumb drive with the videos. We are turning into tech animals. (With a bunch of help from our friends.) If you haven’t checked out our Instagram site you should. It’s very interesting. Lots of various subjects. The snowpack in southwest Wyoming is almost normal, and depending on the next few months we should have more or less normal water for the summer.