Fly Fishing Western Wyoming

Fluorocarbon vs. Mono

Fluorocarbon vs. Mono

a) Fluoro is not invisible. Just put a piece in a glass of water.
b) Mono makes stronger knots.
c) Fluoro does not sink significantly faster than mono, but it does sink enough that it should not be used when fishing dries..
d) Fluoro does not rebound after it is stretched, thus radically reducing
e) Fluoro is significantly more abrasion resistant than mono.
f) Fluoro does not lose its integrity over several years like mono. Fluoro can be used for 4 or 5 years at least. Mono – 2 years at most!
g) Fluoro is 3 – 4 times more expensive than mono.

CONCLUSION: Unless you are fishing along structure like rocks, pylons, etc., or you are fishing for toothy creatures like Spanish Mackerel or tough scales like Tarpon, there is no good reason to pay the price for fluoro. I no longer use fluoro for any of my freshwater fishing.